Tuesday, March 3, 2009

swim or not to swim

Much to my surprise I find out today that my 4Th child who is 22 years old, does not know how to swim. This has me totally awake now, I should be sleeping. I know we never got her swimming lessons but I figure she had pick it up all those summers camping.

I guess it is better to find out now, if I had known that back when we went to Battle Lake every summer. I would had kept a closer eye on her. So now that you are an adult, you will just have to be carefully around the water. Remember if you can't swim when you are sober, drinking does not make you a better swimmer. It might make you a better dancer or singer but again does not help when it comes to swimming.

So this is another way that I left Kelsey down, first I did not let her go out for dance when she was growing up. If I would have let her go out for dance , according to Kelsey, her world would of been totally different now. Almost like Disney World, I Suppose!


  1. There is not a single activity that you do not improve at after drinking, such as operating heavy equipment.

  2. I don't know how to swim either....and how come you didn't know this about us??????????????????????????

  3. I did know that Kaci could not swim, but she did have swimming lessons for a few years. She also had dance lessons for 2 years. So kaci should be able to dance while she is swimming.

  4. mom
    it is okay that we do not know how to swim... we do live in iowa. and i did take swimming lessons once, but i think i stopped going half way though and it was with kids half my age.
