Monday, March 9, 2009

For the love of sisters.

I will continue to say this until I die, people will come and go through out your life, but your sisters will always be there when you turn around. If it is to be good news or bad, they are the ones you want to tell the most. They are the first ones to help you rebuild your ego after a set back in life. They also are the first to pat you on the back for accomplishing goals that you have set for your self.

They have been where you have been, so they sometimes know what you will do before you say it. A sister can bad mouth you all they want, but let another person cut you down, and your sister is there standing up for you.

Friends will come and go and if we are lucky are paths will continue to cross and we will maintain a long life friendship with a few of them. No problems like that with sisters, they are yours and they are not going anywhere. They are a phone call, an e-mail or text message away 24/7.

You are lucky you have 3 sisters, a lot people don't have one. How jealous all those people must be of all of you. {and you know what, they should be]


  1. Yes they are, deal with it. You don't think when you are out eating with your three sisters, talking and laughing, that the people at the next table are not sort of jealous of you having that kind of sisterly relationship.
