Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A mothers job is never done

A mothers job is never done. You worried the whole time you are pregnant with your child. After several hours of terrible labor [unless you have a c-section, which makes the whole birthing just wonderful] , you have this child which you will worry about for the rest of your life. It is a life sentence, which is good most of the time. but then there is times:

Here I sat this morning waiting for my youngest 2 daughters[21 and 22] to called me to tell me they had arrived in Fl, safe and sound. It got to be about 6pm, no call. So fearing the worst, I Tex their cell phone, "If you are a police officer, the girl who this cell phone belongs to is........from....,Iowa". I received a Tex from my girls, shortly after that, that they were indeed fine.

My 2ND oldest daughter[25] was going to Texas with a group of college kids she works with to do community service down there. She told me they were taking a charter bus and a 15 person van. Without even thinking about it I told her to ride the bus, it was probably safer. You always heard of 15 person van accidents. She goes mom I am driving the van. I wonder if she heard my heart plump.

so my son [31] stop by last week, his eyes were completely swell shut. He had been to the emg. room, they gave him shots and sent him home. He was to be back at the doctors at 9am. All that night, all I could think about was a friend of mine who had a stroke that stem from infection in his face. I called him twice during the night to see how he was doing. Well he did recover, but I am sure I added a few gray hairs to my head over all the worrying I did.

Now my oldest daughter{28] is having her first baby this June, a brand new generation to worry about.


  1. well i'm sorry i just assumed kinsey called you.. :)
    but thanks for being concerned
